Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I guess it is time to let you all in on my living situation over here. I live in a flat with 7 other people. There are four girls and four boys. However, one of the girls is currently not living here because she is a nursing major and is working at some hospital that is not located in Aberdeen. There other girl is name Monica and after living here for almost two weeks, I have only seen her once. She was making dinner in the kitchen the other night but other than that I haven't seen her. The only thing I know about her is that she is from Bulgaria. All of the rest of them are from somewhere in Scotland. So basically I have one other girl roommate and four guys. At night the guys usually multiple by two and my whole living room is full of my flatmates and their friends playing video games. Steph is the girl who is around the most. She is really nice but hangs out with her friends in other flats a lot of the time. The guys are Sean, Kyle, Greg, and Ian. They are typical first year boys that play video games, drink a lot, and are loud often. I enjoy hanging out with them though because they are really welcoming and are always around. My flat is definitely never boring. There are always people here and there is always something going on. Usually the only quiet time is in the morning when everyone is still sleeping. That however is kind of a problem at night when I am trying to sleep. I like sleep and need a lot of it. Most of the time I will turn my iPod on to fall asleep and drown out the noise. My room is right next to the living room where everyone is still up and having a good ol time. I often get woken up around 3 am by boys screaming. Since I have been here, I have been woken up more than four or five times. Once by people breaking dishes on the floor, once by people knocking on my door screaming "Hannah are you up", and just last night by more screaming because someone was sitting in the shower (idk why) and other people turned the shower on him and he got wet. I haven't gotten mad yet until last time. It is just getting pretty old pretty fast. I am trying to be patient but I am sure that I will freak out on them shortly. When the time comes I will let y'all know. I am sure it will be epic.

Last night all the Americans and some of our Scottish friends went out to dinner for Kristen's 21st birthday! We went to a bar called Revolutions. My favorite part of the night was when I asked the waiter if they did anything special for people's birthdays and he said he would see what he could do. He soon came out with ten free "birthday cake" shots. The only reason why we went to Revolutions was because they had "birthday cake" shots. Kristen and I have been talking about these shots since we learned about them the first weekend we were here. Lucky enough we got 10 of them for free. I didn't try any though because they were all for Kristen. I think Revolutions jipped us and hardly put any alcohol in them. I guess that is what happens when they are free. OO well, it's the thought that counts right.

I think I need to learn how to cook or I might starve over here.


P.S. I forgot the last couple of times but...

America needs... to have cleaner air. (the air here is so crisp) I love it.

1 comment:

  1. Totes jeal of clean air. Buenos Aires, not so much. My allergies are killing me. Boo.
